As per the error AutoPushOrGenerate value must be valid type. You need to mention from the below type: EINV => Auto-generation of IRN required EWB => Auto-generation of e-way bill required GST => Auto-push of GST required OGST = Old GST Return Filing
This error indicates that when summary type is IMPS, IGST will be apply. When summary type is IMPS at that time CGST / SGST are not applicble for imports.
This error will receive when location for which data are being uploading purpose for that location is not selected. For ex. If you are uploading data for Einvoice and EWB purpose then for that location purpose should be selected. For that you can log ...
This error occurs when the rate is entered wrong. In this error you need to check given rate value. In case of exports the rate can be 0 but in normal invoices the rate should not be zero. The rate must contain one of the given values.