Cygnet GSP offers two AWS environments for Enriched API & FTP. 1) Sandbox & 2) Production. You can start integration & testing with Sandbox & once everything is working fine & tested, move to Production environment.
API URL Details |
Sandbox |
Portal |
Production |
Portal |
Note: In case of ideal scenario entire domain URL need to whitelist in the network for the seamless connectivity between integration system.
Users need to whitelist the URL below for the smooth connectivity with our ASP solution.
API URL Details |
Sandbox |
Production |
Now, user can check at client end IPs or URLs are whitelisted or not? please follow below instructions.
You can check through below command.
1. Go to Command Prompt
2. Type Telnet <URL> 443
For example- Telnet 443
Once you enter above detail it will open new window with blank screen then it confirms that it is working.
1. Users change the URL in the SAP or PI-PO integration done. Once it is done you need to start floating of the data from the ERP to new URL.
Once this is done you need to validate the data on Cygnet portal and then monitor the system for sometime