Import & Error Correction

Import & Error Correction

Overview : The Import module offers users a seamless solution to import data into the system. Our unified portal streamlines the import process, allowing users to upload E-Invoice, EWB, and GSTR data in a single standardized format. Additionally, we support other formats compliant with GSTN and Tally for convenient uploading. The Import feature provides a comprehensive overview of the uploaded data, distinguishing between successful uploads and those with errors. Users are empowered with the option to address and correct any errors encountered, ensuring data accuracy and completeness. 

To import data to portal : User need to navigate to Menu > Import.

To download the import format which has field level details with data type , length and description for data to be furnished. User can prepare the file , upload and click on import.

 Status of the imported data will be available with details such as Import Type , File Name , Source , Username, upload date and time , success and error. It also allows user to download the original and processed file.

To view errors in the records , user need to click on Errors and select the respective type. With this user will be redirected to Import document error page.

In this screen user will be able to view the error records and can make necessary changes on the same page. It also allows option for user to download the excel file, make necessary changes and reupload.

User can download the excel file from Actions > Download Excel.

Orphan records are the records which doesn't have the primary fields available and hence system is unable to identify the successful or error records.

User can download the orphan records by clicking on Download Excel and records can be deleted by clicking on Delete.

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