

User can access this module from Manage Organization > Roles option. On clicking the Roles menu, user can view the Roles list screen as shown below:

User can view the list of created Users from the Roles list Screen.

User can utilize below functionalities available in the Roles list Screen.

  1. Filters



Request Type



  1. Add Role

User can create new Role by providing all mandatory details and checking the checkboxes against the rights to be given for any added role, in the Add New Role form as shown below:


All the Roles can have multiple combinations of different Modules and Rights to be assigned for that role.

  1. Actions

The Action button on this screen provides four options as shown below


After furnishing all the mandatory information for adding new role, user can click on ' Save ' button. 

Once the Role is created , it will appear in role list screen.

Edit Role: User can edit role details by clicking on ‘ hamburger menu ’ icon under the section of Roles list. User will be then redirected to 'Edit Role' page as shown below.

  1.   Actions

Download Excel

       User can download the Excel file of all the Roles as per applied filter category under the section of Roles list as shown below:

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