Since you passed Supplier/Recepient/Dispatches from/ ship to pincode as 999999 distance can not be 0

Since you passed Supplier/Recepient/Dispatches from/ ship to pincode as 999999 distance can not be 0

When we pass 0 as distance Government portal auto populate the distance based on From & To pin code combination. When we pass 999999 as pin code, they are not be able to compute the pin to pin distance.

Here in case of export the expected details in ShipTo are according to the PORT location and not according to the country outside India. This is even mentioned on NIC site as well.

Mention ShipTo details e.g. Pin code & State code as per PORT location. Then subject to pin to pin combination available in Government data, they will auto populate the distance when we pass 0.
you will need to pass distance exact always in case of export if ShipTo pin code is 999999. (not recommended)

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