Statistics Dashboard

Statistics Dashboard

Returns Compliance

Ø User would be able to view Return Compliance Stats in Dashboard screen as per below screenshot.

      Ø User would be able to view stats regarding Regular Type Returns Compliance for all months from Apr to Mar as per applied Financial Year in Global Filter.

Ø Below are the details which would be displayed in Returns Compliance.

  1. All Locations
  2. Filed
  3. Not Filed
  4. Submitted
  5. Signed

Ø All Stats in the above-mentioned section will be displayed after applying the filter of Return Compliance.

Ø Below return stats will be available in Returns Compliance.

- GSTR-1



Ø Return Type frequency will be as per below.



Ø Details in Return Compliance will be as per below.

All Locations

Count of all Regular type locations with purpose GST and Both(GST and EWB) would be displayed in All Locations.

Clicking on any location count, location details would be displayed with Business Name, Location GSTIN and Location Name as per the below screenshot.


In this description, the Count of Location GSTIN in which the Return is filed would be displayed month-wise.

If in any location return is not filed then 0 counts would be displayed here.

Clicking on a count, Location Filed would be displayed with Business Name, Location GSTIN, and Location Name.

Not Filed:

In this description, Count of Location GSTIN in which the Return is filed would be displayed month-wise.

If in all the locations return is filed then 0 counts would be displayed here.

Clicking count, Location Not Filed would be displayed with Business Name, Location GSTIN, and Location Name.

Return filing is bifurcated in below category in Not Filed section.



Below is the screenshot of Location Not Filed details clicking on count on Not Filed description.


In this description, Count of Location GSTIN in which Return is submitted successfully but not yet signed would be displayed month wise.

If in any location, return is not submitted then 0 count would be displayed here.

Also, if any return is submitted for any Location then user would be able to download PDF of Return while clicking on count in Not Filed Description as per below screen shot.


In this description, Count of Location GSTIN in which the Return has been signed successfully would be displayed month-wise.

If in any location, Return is not signed then 0 count would be displayed here.

Also, if any return is signed for any location then user will be able to download PDF of return while clicking on Count in Not filed Description as per below screenshot.

Return Compliance -> Filter Criteria

Ø Individual filter criteria are available for Return Compliance section as per below.

Taxpayer Type

Return Type

Return Frequency


Taxpayer Type:

Users will be able to apply a filter of Taxpayer type and the value of Taxpayer Type will only be “Regular” in this filter.

Return Type:

Here, Return Type will be available for selection as per below.




Return Frequency:

Return Frequency values will be as per below.




Here, only those users will be displayed who have filed return at least once.

Reconciliation Stats

Ø User will be able to view all Reconciliation Section and Action stats along with total records from this section as per below screenshot.

Ø User will be able to view stats for below Reconciliations month wise from Apr to Mar.



Ø Reconciliation stats will be displayed as per applied Financial year selected in Global Filter.

Return Compliance -> Filter Criteria

Ø If user applies filter of GSTR-2A Reconciliation, then user will get all Reconciliation stats regarding GSTR-2A Reconciliation.

Ø Below are the details which would be displayed in Returns Compliance.

GSTR-2A Records

PR Records






Near Matched

GSTR-2A Only

PR Only

Ø All Stats in the above-mentioned section will be displayed after applying a filter of Reconciliation Stats. Users will be able to view Reconciliation stats as per applied location.

Ø Details in Reconciliation Stats will be as per below.

GSTR-2A Records:

Here, Total count of GSTR-2A Records for selected locations and Reconciliation will be displayed month-wise.

GSTR-2A Records which are counterparty records, So, Base for calculating count will be Counter Party records.

So, whichever month, a user has downloaded GSTR-2A records, will be displayed in a respective month otherwise it will be displayed as 0 count.

PR Records:

Here, Total count of PR Records for selected locations and Reconciliation will be displayed month-wise. PR Records which are uploaded by Taxpayer, So, Base for calculating count will be Taxpayer records.

So, whichever month, the user has uploaded PR records, will be displayed in a respective month otherwise it will be displayed as 0 count.

PR Record count will be same as PR Only records count.


Here, Total count of PR Records which are accepted by a counter party will be displayed month-wise.

So, calculation of the Accepted records will be based on PR Records.

Also, % will be calculated as (Accepted records * 100/ PR Records).

So, whichever Record is accepted will be displayed in respective month.

If any records are not accepted, then 0 count would be displayed here.


Here, Total count of PR Records which are rejected by counter party will be displayed month wise.

So, calculation of the Rejected records will be based on PR Records.

Also, % will be calculated as (Rejected records * 100/ PR Records).

So, whichever record is rejected will be displayed in respective month.

If any records are not rejected, then 0 count would be displayed here.

- Pending:

Here, Total count of PR Records which are pending by counter party will be displayed month wise.

So, calculation of the Pending records will be based on PR Records.

Also, % will be calculated as (Pending records * 100/ PR Records).

So, whichever record is pending will be displayed in respective month.

If any records are not pending, then 0 count would be displayed here.


Here, Total count of Records of PR and GSTR-2A which are Matched will be displayed month wise.

Here, count of Matched and Matched by Tolerance records would be considered.

Calculation of the Matched records will be based on Counter Party Records.

Also, % will be calculated as (Matched records * 100/ Counter Party Records).

If there not any Matched and Matched by Tolerance records between PR and GSTR-2A then 0 would be displayed.


Here, Total count of Records of PR and GSTR-2A which are Mismatched will be displayed month wise.

Calculation of the Mismatched records will be based on Counter Party Records.

Also, % will be calculated as (Mismatched records * 100/ Counter Party Records).

If there not any Mismatched records between PR and GSTR-2A then 0 would be displayed.

Near Matched:

Here, Total count of Records of PR and GSTR-2A which are Near Matched will be displayed month wise.

Calculation of the Near Matched records will be based on Counter Party Records.

Also, % will be calculated as (Near Matched records * 100/ Counter Party Records).

If there not any Near Matched records between PR and GSTR-2A then 0 would be displayed.

GSTR-2A Only:

GSTR-2A only records which means Records which are downloaded from Counter party but not uploaded in PR.

So, Calculation of the GSTR-2A Only records will be based on Counter Party Records.

Also, % will be calculated as (GSTR-2A Only records * 100/ Counter Party Records).

If there are not any GSTR-2A records downloaded, then 0 would be displayed.

PR Only:

PR only records which means Records which are uploaded in PR but not downloaded from GST portal.

So, Calculation of the PR Only records will be based on Taxpayer Records.

Also, % will be calculated as (PR Only records * 100/ Taxpayer Records).

If there not any PR records uploaded, then 0 would be displayed.

Reconciliation Stats -> GSTR-2X

Ø If user applies filter of GSTR-2X Reconciliation, then user will get all Reconciliation stats regarding GSTR-2X Reconciliation.

Ø Below are the details which will be displayed in Reconciliation Stats.

GSTR-2X Records

SR Records





Near Matched

GSTR-2X Only

SR Only

Ø All Stats in above mentioned section will be displayed after applying filter of Reconciliation Stats.

Ø User will be able to view Reconciliation stats as per applied location.

Ø Details in Reconciliation Stats will be as per below.

GSTR-2X Records:

Here, Total count of GSTR-2X Records for selected location and Reconciliation will be displayed month wise.

So, Base for calculating count of GSTR-2X will be Counter Party records.

So, in whichever month, user has downloaded GSTR-2X records, will be displayed in respective month otherwise it will be displayed as 0 count.

SR Records:

Here, Total count of SR Records for selected location and Reconciliation will be displayed month wise.

SR Records means Sales Register Records which are uploaded by Taxpayer, So, Base for calculating count will be Taxpayer records.

So, in whichever month, user has uploaded SR records, will be displayed in respective month otherwise it will be displayed as 0 count.


Here, Total count of SR Records which are accepted by counter party will be displayed month wise.

So, calculation of the Accepted records will be based on SR Records.

Also, % will be calculated as (Accepted records * 100/ SR Records).

So, whichever Record is accepted will be displayed in respective month.

If any records are not accepted, then 0 count would be displayed here.


Here, Total count of SR Records which are rejected by counter party will be displayed month wise.

So, calculation of the Rejected records will be based on SR Records.

Also, % will be calculated as (Rejected records * 100/ SR Records).

So, whichever record is rejected will be displayed in respective month.

If any records are not rejected, then 0 count would be displayed here.


Here, Total count of Records of SR and GSTR-2X which are Matched will be displayed month wise.

Here, count of Matched and Matched by Tolerance records would be considered.

Calculation of the Matched records will be based on Counter Party Records.

Also, % will be calculated as (Matched records * 100/ Counter Party Records).

If there not any Matched and Matched by Tolerance records between SR and GSTR-2X then 0 would be displayed.


Here, Total count of Records of SR and GSTR-2X which are Mismatched will be displayed month wise.

Calculation of the Mismatched records will be based on Counter Party Records.

Also, % will be calculated as (Mismatched records * 100/ Counter Party Records).

If there not any Mismatched records between SR and GSTR-2X then 0 would be displayed.

Near Matched:

Here, Total count of Records of SR and GSTR-2X which are Near Matched will be displayed month wise.

Calculation of the Near Matched records will be based on Counter Party Records.

Also, % will be calculated as (Near Matched records * 100/ Counter Party Records).

If there not any Near Matched records between SR and GSTR-2X then 0 would be displayed.

GSTR-2X Only:

GSTR-2X only records which means Records which are downloaded from Counter party but not uploaded in PR.

So, Calculation of the GSTR-2X Only records will be based on Counter Party Records.

Also, % will be calculated as (GSTR-2X Only records * 100/ Counter Party Records).

If there are not any GSTR-2X records downloaded, then 0 would be displayed.

SR Only:

SR only records which means Records which are uploaded in SR but not downloaded from GST portal.

So, Calculation of the SR Only records will be based on Taxpayer Records.

Also, % will be calculated as (SR Only records * 100/ Taxpayer Records).

If there not any SR records uploaded, then 0 would be displayed.

Reconciliation Stats -> Filter Criteria 

Ø Individual filter criteria are available for Reconciliation Stats section as per below.

Reconciliation Type


Ø Based on above criteria, Reconciliation Stats would be displayed on a dashboard.

Ø Reconciliation Type:

Here, Reconciliation Type will be available for selection as per below.



Ø Location:

Here, all regular type locations would be appeared for selection and user can select desired location to get the Reconciliation Stats for all section month wise.

E-invoice Stats

Ø User would be able to view E-invoice stats for all push to IRP status of E-invoice documents for 7 days from considering today’s date.

Ø E-invoice stats will be displayed as per applied Financial year selected in Global Filter.

Ø Below are the details which will be displayed in E-invoice Stats.

Total Uploaded

Yet Not Generated



Ø All Stats in above mentioned section will be displayed after applying filter of E-invoice Stats.

Ø User will be able to view E-invoice stats as per selected location from filter.

Ø Details in E-invoice Stats will be as per below.

 Total Uploaded

Here, Total count of uploaded E-invoice Records for selected location and also user has another filter of “By Uploaded Date”.

So, count of all the e-invoice records which are uploaded in last 6 days including today will be displayed here. Documents with purpose is EINV and Generated By Me records count would be displayed here.

Yet Not Generated

Total count of Yet Not Generated E-invoice records for which IRN is not yet generated would be displayed Date wise.

Also, % count of Yet Not Generated records would be displayed.

So, count of e-invoice records which is not yet generated in last 6 days will be displayed here. So, Document with purpose EINV, Generated By Me and Push Status with Yet Not Generated records count would be displayed here.


Total count of Generated E-invoice records for which IRN is generated successfully would be displayed Date wise.

Also, % count of Generated records would be displayed.

So, count of e-invoice records which is generated in last 6 days will be displayed here.

So, Document with purpose EINV, Generated By Me and Push Status with Generated records count would be displayed here. Now, if user is generating E-invoice Stats by selecting “By Uploading Date” filter. Document with purpose EINV, Generated By Me, Push Status with Generated and Generated Date = Uploaded Date then count would be displayed here. So, if user generated the document same day when uploaded then only that record would be considered in Generated Count otherwise not.


Total count of Cancelled E-invoice records for which IRN is Cancelled successfully would be displayed Date wise.

Also, % count of Cancelled records would be displayed.

So, count of e-invoice records which is cancelled in last 6 days will be displayed here.

So, Document with purpose EINV, Generated By Me and Push Status with Generated records count would be displayed here.

Now, if user is generating E-invoice Stats by selecting “By Uploading Date” filter.

Document with purpose EINV, Generated By Me, Push Status with Cancelled and Cancelled Date = Uploaded Date then count would be displayed here.

So, if user cancelled the document same day when uploaded then only that record would be considered in Cancelled Count otherwise not.

E-invoice Stats -> Filter Criteria

Ø Individual filter criteria are available for E-invoice Stats section as per below.


Exclude Child Location Data

By Uploaded Date

Ø Based on above criteria, Reconciliation Stats would be displayed on dashboard.


Here, all locations with EINV purpose would be appeared for selection and user can select desired location to get the E-invoice Stats for all section date wise.

Exclude Child Location Data:

If user wants to exclude the Child Locations of the Business, then user can apply this filter.

By Uploaded Date:

If user want count based on Uploaded date of the record, then user can apply this filter.

By applying this filter, count of generated and cancelled records would be considered only if user has generated or cancelled the record on the same day when uploaded.

E-Waybill Stats

Ø E-way stats will be displayed as per applied Financial year selected in Global Filter.

Ø Below are the details which will be displayed in E-way bill Stats.

Total Uploaded

Yet Not Generated

Yet Not Generated using E-invoice


Generated By E-invoice






Ø All Stats in above mentioned section will be displayed after applying filter of E-Way Bill Stats.

Ø User will be able to view E-Way bill stats as per selected location from filter. 10 Details in E-way bill Stats will be as per below.

Total Uploaded:

Here, Total count of uploaded E-way bill Records for selected location and also user has another filter of “By Uploaded Date”.

So, count of all the e-way bill records which are uploaded in last 6 days including today will be displayed here.

Documents with purpose is EWB and “Generated By Me” records count would be displayed here.

Yet Not Generated:

Total count of Yet Not Generated E-way Bill records would be displayed Date wise.

Also, % count of Yet Not Generated records would be displayed.

So, count of E-way bill records which is not yet generated in last 6 days will be displayed here with respective date.

So, Document with purpose EWB, Generated By Me and Push Status with Yet Not Generated records count would be displayed here.

Yet Not Generated using E-invoice:

Total count of E-way Bill which is not yet generated using E-invoice records would be displayed Date wise.

Also, % count of Yet Not Generated using E-invoice records would be displayed.

So, count of E-way bill records which is not yet generated using E-invoice in last 6 days will be displayed here with respective date.

So, Document with purpose EWB+EINV, Generated By Me and Push Status with Yet Not Generated Records count would be displayed here.


Total count of Generated E-way Bill records which is generated successfully would be displayed Date wise.

Also, % count of Generated records would be displayed.

So, count of E-way Bill records which is generated in last 6 days will be displayed here.

So, Document with purpose EWB, Generated By Me and Push Status with Generated (Generated or TransporterUpdated or VehicleDetailsUpdated or ValidityExtended or Multi-VehicleInitiated or Multi- VehicleAdded or Multi-VehicleUpdated) records count would be displayed here.

Now, if user is generating Reconciliation Stats by selecting “By Uploading Date” filter.

Document with purpose EWB, Generated By Me, Push Status with Generated (Generated or TransporterUpdated or VehicleDetailsUpdated or ValidityExtended or Multi-VehicleInitiated or Multi-VehicleAdded or Multi-VehicleUpdated) and Generated Date = Uploaded Date then count would be displayed here.

So, if user generated the document same day when uploaded then only that record would be considered in Generated Count otherwise not.

Generated By E-invoice:

Total count of E-way Bill records which is generated by E-invoice successfully would be displayed Date wise.

Also, % count of Generated using E-invoice records would be displayed.

So, count of E-way Bill records which is generated by E-invoice in last 6 days will be displayed here.

So, Document with purpose EWB+EINV, Generated By Me and Push Status with Generated (Generated or TransporterUpdated or VehicleDetailsUpdated or ValidityExtended or Multi-VehicleInitiated or Multi-VehicleAdded or Multi-VehicleUpdated) records count would be displayed here.

Now, if user is generating E-way bill Stats by selecting “By Uploading Date” filter.

Document with purpose EWB+EINV, Generated By Me, Push Status with Generated (Generated or TransporterUpdated or VehicleDetailsUpdated or ValidityExtended or Multi-VehicleInitiated or Multi-VehicleAdded or Multi-VehicleUpdated) and Generated Date = Uploaded Date then count would be displayed here.

So, if user generated the document using E-invoice same day when uploaded then only that record would be considered in Generated Count otherwise not.


Total count of Cancelled E-Way Bill records would be displayed Date wise.

Also, % count of Cancelled records would be displayed.

So, count of E-way Bill records which is cancelled in last 6 days will be displayed here.

So, Document with purpose EWB, Generated By Me and Push Status with Cancelled records count would be displayed here in case user generate stats by not selecting “By Uploading Date” filter. Now, if user is generating E-way Bill Stats by selecting “By Uploading Date” filter. Document with purpose EWB, Generated By Me, Push Status with Cancelled and Cancelled Date = Uploaded Date then count would be displayed here.

So, if user cancel the document same day when uploaded then only that record would be considered in Cancelled Count otherwise not.

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