URLs needs to be whitelisted

URLs needs to be whitelisted

Here is the detail on new URLs mapping against current URLs.

Client has to check current URLs and need to whitelist New URLs against mentioned it.

 GSP Staging: 

  Current URLs New URLs
Staging API URL https://staging-passthroughapi.cygnetgsp.in https://staging-passthrough-gsp.cygnettaxtech.com
Staging Portal URL https://staging-passthroughportal.cygnetgsp.in https://staging-gsp.cygnettaxtech.com

GSP Production:      

  Current URLs New URLs
Production API URL https://passthroughapi.cygnetgsp.in https://passthrough-gsp.cygnettaxtech.com
Production Portal URL https://passthroughportal.cygnetgsp.in https://gsp.cygnettaxtech.com

ASP Staging:

Current Staging URLs

New Staging URLs

Staging API URL



Staging Portal URL




ASP Production:

Current Production URLs

New Production URLs

Production API URL



Production Portal URL



Below is ASP-GSP Staging and Production IP address for callback URL for whitelisting.

Cygnet GSP Production

Cygnet GSP Sandbox

Please download the updated certificate from the link and ensure to update this new certificate in the given mainteance window at your end for seamless services.
Below required in AWS .

You can download SSL certificate from below URL.


Now ,how you can check at client end IPs or URLs are whitelisted or not ? please follow below instructions 

You can check through below command.
  1. Go to Command Prompt
  2. Type   Telnet <URL> 443 
  3. For example- Telnet staging-api-asp.cygnettaxtech.com 443

For whitelisting only only below API URLs needs to be check ,
GSP (passthrough) Staging      https://staging-passthrough-gsp.cygnettaxtech.com 
GSP (Passthrough ) Prod         https://passthrough-gsp.cygnettaxtech.com
ASP Staging                              https://staging-api-asp.cygnettaxtech.com
Prod                                          https://api-asp.cygnettaxtech.com

If URLs are Whitelisted but still not accessible at client server then we need to do host entry.

To check the host entry you have access the HOST file which can be find by below path.
Now need to open "hosts" file and if API URLs are not available then need to add API URLs as per the  below in file.
(please note while adding the URLs, use tab instead of space also to add take file at desktop and edit .Then replace the file at same folder so the file format will keep remain the same)

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